Dr. Ronen Kroeze

Dr. Ronen Kroeze

Dr. Ronen Kroeze
Graduate Student
Associated Projects
Short CV

Postdoc at MPQ



K. Yang, Y. Zhang, K.-Y. Li, K. -Y. Lin, S. Gopalakrishnan, M. Rigol, and B. L. Lev
Phantom energy of a quenched, prethermal quantum many-body scar state
Science 385, 1063 (2024)

B. P. Marsh, R. M. Kroeze, S. Ganguli, S. Gopalakrishnan, J. Keeling, and B. L. Lev
Entanglement and replica symmetry breaking in a driven-dissipative quantum spin glass
Physical Review X 14, 011026 (2024).  pdf

R. M. Kroeze, B. P. Marsh, D. Atri Schuller, H. Hunt, A. N. Bourzutschky, M. Winer, S. Gopalakrishnan, J. Keeling, and B. L. Lev
Directly observing replica symmetry breaking in a vector quantum-optical spin glass
arXiv:2311.04216  pdf

Y. Guo, R. M. Kroeze, B. P. Marsh, S. Gopalakrishnan, J. Keeling, and B. L. Lev
An optical lattice with sound
Nature 599, 211 (2021).  link to pdf
News coverage:
Stanford News:  Adding sound to quantum simulations
APS Physics Magazine:  A Humming Lattice of Cold Atoms

B. P. Marsh, Y. Guo, R. M. Kroeze, S. Gopalakrishnan, S. Ganguli, J. Keeling, and B. L. Lev
Enhancing associative memory recall and storage capacity using confocal cavity QED
Physical Review X 11, 021048 (2021).  pdf
News coverage:
APS Synopsis in Physics:  A Computer Memory Based on Cold Atoms and Light
APS DAMOP Highlight: Atoms and Light Remember Better
arXiv:2009.01227  pdf

R. M. Kroeze, Y. Guo, and B. L. Lev
Dynamical spin-orbit coupling of a quantum gas
Physical Review Letters 123, 160404 (2019). pdf

Y. Guo, V. D. Vaidya, R. M. Kroeze, R. A. Lunney, B. L. Lev, and J. Keeling
Emergent and broken symmetries of atomic self-organization arising from Gouy phase shifts in multimode cavity QED
Physical Review A 99, 053818 (2019).  pdf
Selected for Editors' Suggestion
Featured in Physics Synopsis: A Step Toward Simulating Spin Glasses.  pdf
arXiv:1810.11085  pdf
Erratum: Physical Review A 103, 019901(E) (2021).  pdf

Y. Guo, R. M. Kroeze, V. D. Vaidya, J. Keeling, and B. L. Lev
Sign-changing photon-mediated atom interactions in multimode cavity QED
Physical Review Letters 122, 193601 (2019).  pdf
Selected for Editors' Suggestion
Featured in Physics Synopsis: A Step Toward Simulating Spin Glasses.  pdf

R. M. Kroeze, Y. Guo, V. D. Vaidya, J. Keeling, and B. L. Lev
Spinor self-ordering of a quantum gas in a cavity
Physical Review Letters 121, 163601 (2018). 
arXiv:1807.04915  pdf 

V. D. Vaidya, Y. Guo, R. M. Kroeze, K. E. Ballantine, A. J. Kollár, J. Keeling, and B. L. Lev
Tunable-range, photon-mediated atomic interactions in multimode cavity QED​
Physical Review X 8, 011002 (2018).  pdf
Selected for a Viewpoint in APS Physics:
H. Türeci, 
A Multimode Dial for Interatomic Interactions, pdf