QFARM Spotlight on Marsh

QFARM Spotlight on Marsh

Brendan Marsh

What first got you excited about science?
Mostly science fiction, to be honest! I was a big star wars nerd growing up and my dad really liked watching shows about black holes and the universe. I always thought I would be a nuclear physicist working on fusion generators in school.

What got you excited about quantum science?
It's hard not to get excited by quantum science when you first hear about it! Superposition, entanglement – these ideas are at first completely contrary to our intuition from everyday experience. Yet, they're real! Quantum theory has been in the making for 100 years, and while many things are understood, there remain a lot of deep questions that we are still trying to answer. However, probably most exciting to me is that we're right now experiencing a massive boom in the emergence of quantum technologies and quantum computing. It's really exciting to be part of that.

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